Have a wonderful half term everyone!

Class news

Reception Class News!
Watch this page fill up with our amazing learning. Remember to check our weekly Reception newsletter for up to date information and photographs. 
Reception Class 2022-2023

We have made a wonderful start to our time at Broomley First School. During our first few weeks we have been learning all about the Zones of Regulation and how these help us to have a happy classroom. We have loved exploring The Colour Monster and discussing lots of different emotions. Ask us how we are feeling today :) 

We have really enjoyed exploring our topic Autumn Days. We have been on lots of autumn walks, collecting signs of autumn and observing the changes in our school and local environment. We have read the wonderful Leaf Man story which inspired some wonderful leaf artwork. We have collected conkers and made amazing conker runs in the outdoor classroom.


Ask us all about…

Sweeping and jumping in the autumn leaves 

Making ‘Dinosaur Land’ in the outdoor classroom 

Having hot chocolate around the campfire 

To tell you the story of Leaf Man 

2021-2022 in Reception Class. 


This half term our topic has been, 'Autumn Days.' We started our topic by sharing our knowledge and experiences of autumn and then worked together to plan what we would like to learn and what that learning might look like. 


We started our topic by going on lots of 'welly wanders' around the school grounds and across the cricket field looking for signs of autumn. We loved finding crunchy red and orange leaves, ripe apples ready for picking and berries hidden on top of bushes for the birds. We also noticed that as the weeks past it grew colder and colder and it wasn't long before we needed our coats and hats on before venturing outside! 


We love the colours of autumn and have been inspired by the changing landscape, and stories such as 'Leaf Man' to create our own autumnal artwork. We used autumn leaves to create amazing pictures, autumn bracelets and leaf crowns. We had lots of fun printing with vegetables and even using conkers to paint! 


In our mathematics sessions this half term we have investigated the properties of 2D shapes and used our knowledge to explore shapes in the environment.. We also enjoyed exploring patterns and in particular continuing, as well as creating our own, repeating patterns. 


 After October half term we really enjoyed learning all about Diwali. We read stories and watched videos all about how the Hindu communities around the world celebrate Diwali. We used our knowledge to make beautiful artwork, create Rangoli patterns and get our home corner ready for a Diwali celebrations. 

Ask us about taking part in our whole school Celebration of Light day! 


 In our mathematics sessions we have been identifying and exploring representations of 1, 2, and 3. We have been setting the table for 3 people...spotting 3 in the environment and making 3 in lots of different ways! 


We have really enjoyed exploring how Christmas is celebrated by the Christian community around the world. We have shared the story of the first Christmas and used this knowledge to help us in preparing for our very own Christmas Story as part of our Christmas Play celebrations. We have talked about how Christmas is celebrated within our families and our school and wider community. 


During the Spring term we had the best time exploring all things winter...and space! 
We started our term by celebration New Year. We talked about how New Year is celebrated around the UK and how we celebrated with our families and local community. We had lots of fun preparing and taking part in our own New Year celebration...including singing and dancing to traditional new year songs! 
We loved exploring and investigating the seasonal changes that have occurred in our local environment. We went on lots of winter walks, collecting signs of winter and using these to inspire our artwork. We loved thinking about texture in our artwork and creating winter shades when painting. 
When reading our class story Winter Sleep we learnt all about hibernation. We were so inspired by the story that we decided to build hibernation homes for the animals that live in our local environment and thought about how we could make sure they have lots of food for the winter. 
We had a great time travelling around the globe visiting Antarctica and the Arctic circle. Using lots of non fiction texts we found out about polar animals, some of the key physical features as well as the communities and scientist who live and work in the polar regions. We compared the polar regions to Northumberland and what it might be like if we moved our school north to the Arctic circle! 
We loved our space topic...we had lots of fun exploring how space travel has changed over the years. We found out about some of the most significant astronauts in space travel and some of the training they have to undergo before going into space. We exploring moon rocks in maths and wrote lists of what to pack when travelling to space. When reading our class story Man on the Moon we learnt all about what it takes to be a caretaker on the moon! 
In mathematics we have explored 3D shapes and created our own investigations...ask us which 3D shapes roll and why! We have explored numbers to to 10...thinking about all the different ways we can represent numbers as well as exploring number in the environment. 
Enjoy looking through our photographs to find out even more about our amazing learning journey this term :)