Have a wonderful half term everyone!

Class news

It's the start of a new school year and we're super busy in Year 3! We've had a fantastic time working on the Stone Age to the Iron Age in History, rocks and soils in Science and drawing and painting in Art. 
We've had a great end to our term! Take a look at the photos below to see what we have been up to!
During Spring term in Year 3 we have been focussing on the following - 
Creative Curriculum - The Ancient Egyptians.
English - writing our own version of The Wolves in the Walls and also The Blue Umbrella, as well as a non-chronological report on our favourite wild animals.
Maths - multiplication and division, followed by money, statistics and length and perimeter.
Science - animals including humans.
Spanish - days of the week, months of the year and seasons.
Computing - staying safe online and also drawing and presentation.
PSHE - Relationships and families, then communities and British Values.
RE - Muslim communities.
PE - team games, gymnastics and circuit training!
Art - printing and ink work.
In addition to the above, we have also enjoyed special days for comic relief, valentines day, raising money for the people of Ukraine, safer internet day and many more activities!
We are looking forward to celebrating Mother's Day and Easter very soon!
During the first half term in Year 3 we have been focussing on the following - 
Creative Curriculum - Stone Age to Iron Age
English - writing our own version of the story 'Star in the Jar'.
Maths - place value, followed by addition and subtraction.
Science - rocks and soils.
Spanish - our families.
Computing - research and communication.
PSHE - health and wellbeing - think positive.
We are looking forward to our topic of Mighty Mountains after half term and preparing for our Christmas performance.