Have a wonderful half term everyone!



Geography is a wide and varied subject. We aim to inspire in our pupils a curiosity and fascination for the planet and their place in it. The teaching of Geography at Broomley First School will equip pupils with knowledge about places and people, resources in the environment and an understanding of the interaction between physical and human processes that have shaped our landscape and environments. Geographical knowledge, understanding and skills provide the framework to explain how the Earth’s features are shaped, interconnected and change over time.
Our Curriculum is mapped to cover key themes in Geography but ensure that children see geographical links in their connected curriculum We want the children to enjoy learning about geography both inside and outside the classroom, so we have carefully selected learning to integrate into our creative curriculum and forest school days. Children learn through educational visits to develop fieldwork and to practice their geographical skills. We want our pupils to learn to collect and analyse data; use maps, atlases, globes, aerial photographs and digital mapping to name, identify and locate countries, continents and oceans; and be able to communicate their learning in a variety of ways.