Have a wonderful half term everyone!

English - Writing



Our Writing curriculum forms an important strand of our English curriculum to allow our pupils to develop the written skills needed to become confident communicators. Our intent is to encourage children to become enthusiastic and engaged with Writing, develop a love of word and to teach the children the importance of writing skills in the real world.


By following 'The Write Stuff' programme we carefully structure lessons in learning 'chunks' accessible to all. These 'chunks' build on learning for all learners in class, further extending and supporting through 'Deepening the Moment'.  

Blocks are structured around engaging stimuluses, including books and poetry to inspire and motivate. By giving the children a context to their learning, and providing  careful scaffolding, children become  confident, independent writers that are able to spell, punctuate and write creatively in a range of contexts. 


We provide our children with rich and varied learning opportunities to develop a positive attitude toward communication and for children to be able to express their emotions and their ideas confidently and articulately. We endeavour to make English interesting and exciting, engaging the children with the joy and wonder of books, providing a real purpose for writing and piquing their imagination and creativity.