Have a wonderful half term everyone!

Class news 2022-2023

Year 4 Class News 
Watch this space to see our learning journey in Year 4!
This half term in our afternoons we have looked at The Anglo-Saxons with an IT enhancement creating our own google quizzes at the end of the topic to test our friends knowledge.  In Science we have looked at Living things and their habitats. We have had some great class discussions and made lots of predictions based on our knowledge. In Art we are currently working on Still life drawing linked to the artist Giorgio Morandi. We have done a range of observational drawings and used natural resources to create a repeated print. 
In our reading and writing lessons, we have looked at a range of fiction and non-fiction pieces linked to our topic. Year 4 have been reading Beowulf as our class book linked to the Anglo Saxons. For our Writing lessons we are studying 'The Bike Boy' by Jane considine. The children have created  some amazing 'chotting' and sentence stacking work. 
In Maths, year 4 have been working on place value to 10,000 We have enjoyed exploring this topic through using a range of concrete and pictorial resources for understanding.