Have a wonderful half term everyone!

Whistle Blowing Policy


Whistleblowing Policy and Procedure

This policy and procedure apply to:
  •                 all teaching and support staff (including full-time, part-time, permanent, fixed- term, or temporary staff);
  •                 workers, contractors and agency workers;
  •                 suppliers and those providing services under a contract with our school in their own premises, for example, swimming pools


Whistleblowing occurs when an employee, worker or ex-employee raises concerns (“protected disclosures”) regarding a danger or illegality, usually to the employer or a regulator, which has come to their attention through work. The disclosure may be about alleged malpractice, mismanagement, wrongdoings, wrongful conduct of the employer, or of a fellow employee, client, or any third party. Protection under the law for “whistleblowing” requires that the person has a reasonable belief and the disclosure is being made in the public interest.


Employees are generally precluded from being able to “blow the whistle” about an alleged breach of their contract of employment and should use the school’s Grievance Procedure instead.


The purpose of this policy and procedure is to set out the commitment of the governing body to the highest possible standards of openness, probity and accountability.  It is intended to encourage and enable individuals to raise a genuine, serious concern about an aspect of our service provision, or the conduct of our employees, or others acting on our behalf, formally with the school, rather than overlooking a problem or “blowing the whistle” outside.  The governing body is committed to ensuring that individuals are able to do this without fear of victimisation, subsequent discrimination or disadvantage, whether from their manager or from other employees. The procedure outlines who the concern should be raised with and how we will deal with the concern.